Release 8.0 (12/xx/2012)

Release 8.0 includes the following changes:


See Related Help ...

Customer Return Form

Removed error message when the field name contains an apostrophe mark.

How to Print a Customer Return Form

Customer Return Form screen shot

Driver License/ID Card Issue

The ability to Void is now available to all tellers.

License/ID - Driver's License Original Issue

Inventory Correction

The Correct Inventory functionality now only corrects title and decal numbers, not plates.



There are two new vehicle inquiry transactions available; one for verification of the validity of a title (NTSAVT) and the other for verification of the history of a title (NTSAVH).

Titling Info - NMVTIS

Office Closing

Has been updated to prevent closing unless all cash drawers are closed.

Close Office

Reactivate Plates and Maintain Registration

REGACT has been modified to guide you through the two step process of reactivating the registration and then changing the status.

Customer Registration - Reactivate Registration


1.Include MD (Management Discretion) and RP (Photo) and Exception Report listing Address Exceptions.

2.Added teller information to the inventory for adding, transferring, deleting.

3.Compliance Summary Report has been modified to have Yes for print set as the default.


Search boxes

Searches (the dialog which appears after clicking the Button_Globe button) will now be executed automatically when you press the Enter key.

Looking Up and Selecting Values

Title Issue

1.New screen design and Quick Jump buttons included for easier navigation.

2.Modified screen to hide Lessee customer number unless LEASED (LEAS) special condition applies.

3.New Quick Navigation Button for navigation to NADA Inquiry.

4.Customer's full name now prints on the receipt.

Original Title

Using Lengthy Forms


Vehicle Stops

New transactions for Vehicle Stop, Add, Delete, and Comply are now available.

Vehicle Stop Add

Vehicle Stop Delete

For any questions regarding this release, please contact Jennifer Peters at her home phone number.

Topic Last Edited: 5/15/2013