Release 8.6 (04/18/2013)

 April Bulletin

Support for Windows 7 is Here!

In addition to numerous enhancements, the April release of mySelect includes foundational support for running on the Windows 7 operating system.  This positions the agency and all external business partners to upgrade to Windows 7 and utilize its 64-bit operating system, if desired.

Details on the upgrade path can be found here:  <CONTENT UNDER DEV>


A new button appears in this release, which takes you directly to Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) in the mySelect online help system.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size

Release 8.6 includes the following changes:

Issue Log


Related Help ...



A new customer inquiry has been added to view "All Alerts."  The Customer Console automatically displays the first five.  If there are more than five, there will be a Quick Link to "All Alerts" within the Alerts section.

Using the Customer Console


Change Name for business customers

The business name field now accepts up to 45 characters.  This will eliminate the need to send DL9s for business names exceeding 35 characters.

Change Name



If an EVVE Vital Event request a match (Return Status Code MA - Match), the transaction cannot be voided.   All other unresolvable responses from EVVE can be voided.

Electronic Verification of Vital Events Inquiry



The send employer's zip code can now be entered.

Hazmat Background Check Application


Voiding Dealer/Salesperson Qualification Restricted

A lead or management authorization is now required to void a dealer/salesperson qualification transaction keyed by a teller..



Inventory Management

The inventory management functionality has been enhanced as follows:

When receiving transferred inventory, or adding new inventory, mySelect will now check to prevent the receipt of duplicate inventory.

New functionality has been added to support declining the receipt of transferred inventory.

Transfer Inventory

Receive Transferred Inventory

Add Inventory


MSL Inquiry

The Mechanic and Storage Lien inquiry has been fixed to display the vehicle information in the Vehicle Information section.

Mechanic's or Storage Lien Transcript


Prospective Purchaser Inquiry

New transaction to mySelect.

Prospective Purchaser Inquiry


QData Enchancement

Enhancement to close all open transaction tabs, except Customer Console, when clicking the QData button.



Quick Navigation added to Overload Permit

The Overload Permit transaction now has a Quick Navigation link to Print Registration/Overload Permit.

Quick Navigation


Supplemental Lien - Add Transfer Lien

Transfer has been added as an option in the Lien Information section.

Supplemental Lien / Same Lienholder


Title Issue

Receipts will now print the title fee breakdown when a title is processed on a deferred settlement.

Original Title


Transaction Processing

An issue with transaction processing has been resolved which caused inventory to lose its association with a transaction and transaction-related reports and PIP counts to be incorrect.




Topic Last Edited: 6/19/2013